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Foodie Julie
Sep 17, 2020
Peach & Berry Crisp
The peaches from our Iowa Food Cooperative are delicious. Let's make some peaches and berry crisp.

Foodie Julie
Jun 24, 2020
Blueberry Cheesecake Cookies
These blueberry cheesecake cookies made with sour cream, chunks of cream cheese, almond and vanilla flavors, are a winner!

Foodie Julie
Jun 11, 2020
Is it Kringla or Kringle?
These Norwegian pastries are a soft, fragile cookie with a rich buttery flavor and a hint of sweetness.

Foodie Julie
Jun 4, 2020
Three Ingredient Cookies
Yes. You read that right. I kept seeing recipes for these cookies and figured that there's no way that they're any good. Just peanut...
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